What inspired you to become a photographer?
There is an array of different things that inspired me to be become a photographer! My Kids, Nature, animals, people... I always made it a point to have a point and shoot camera, I took it every where I went, especially before kids, I wanted to document everything! I always had a different view of things through a camera, I like capturing things in a way that people have not ever seen them! When I had kids, I loved photographing things like my daughters curls, my sons beautiful eyes.. but not just those things, I wanted to document everything! All in all, it's my kids that keep me going, watching them grow and knowing that I will have these amazing images that document their lives makes all this worth it! Turning this into a career has been a dream come true.

What is your style of photography?
My style is very much inspired by the family I am photographing at that time- so I would say that my style is connected. I would also consider myself a lifestyle photographer. It's really important to me to be present during the photo sessions, to bring my heart and soul to the session and connect with my subject and tell the story of their relationships. I love to make images that tell the story of who a person is, my favorite images are often of customers I have known for a long time
because I develop a relationship with the child and then communicate who they are through photographs! To me, the creative process of achieving a great image
is a collaborative effort between myself and the subject.

Who is your favorite to shoot? 
Oh goodness, that's a hard one! They are all my favorite in different ways. But, if I has to choose one I guess it would be children, you can capture so much character in children's session!

Which of your images do you love the most and why? 
I have many but my favorites are the up close facial profiles!

Do you have a dream location that you would love to shoot at?
I want to shoot a Disneyland or Disneyworld before it opens (weird I know) or Europe!

Name one thing that you think sets you apart from other photographers?
My style, I want my images to be as unique as I am! I have lengthy conversations with clients before their shoots so I can combine my style and their personality together! 

What are the top three things you wished you knew when you started your business?
There were many things that I wished I had known. Probably the biggest were: 1) Set your pricing, even when starting out, at a level to ensure reasonable workload and income. 2) Early on, try to find a group of photographers, online or locally, for mutual learning and support—it’s invaluable. 3) Actively block out time for your personal life, family and kids.

What advice would you give to those starting out?
Be yourself, use inspiration but make it yours, put your work into the photograph! Also, learn the ways of photography before you start charging or making it a profession, put your camera on manual and learn!

What's your most prized camera piece?
Definitely my Nikon D600 and my 50mm 1.4 

Do you prefer Lightroom, Elements or Photoshop?  

Favorite editing style-
Simple, clean, Elegant

Random Fact about you-
I was mauled by an Australian Shepard when I was two and the doctor said I would I would never have a normal face and that I would need reconstructive surgery when I turned 18!  I'm 27 and my face is normal with a few scars!

K.Rathbun Photography is located in Montague, Texas
Find KRP on Facebook
Contact K.Rathbun by email: [email protected]